
La Clandestine appoints global sales partner
Wednesday, 16 February 2011 14:26
Artemisia Distribution, owners of La Clandestine, the
hand-crafted absinthe from the Swiss birthplace of absinthe, have appointed MAS Wines and Spirits as their global sales partner,
handling all countries with the exception of
100 years ago ...
Wednesday, 06 October 2010 21:57
October 7, 1910, one hundred years ago today. A black day
for absinthe in Switzerland
since this was the day that absinthe was officially banned. Over the next few
years, similar bans followed in France,
in the USA,
and in many other countries. In Switzerland,
the ban was to last nearly 95 years ..
But while it seemed like a black day in Switzerland at
the time, it led to an explosion in underground “white” drinks! A resistance
army of farmers and of housewives started making absinthe without the final green
colouring step, and drank them “en famille,” with their friends, and maybe even
with the Customs guards who were supposed to stop such practices!
La Clandestine's distiller gets highest scores at France's 2009 Absinthiades
Wednesday, 07 October 2009 09:42
Autumn has arrived, the first weekend in October has passed, and this was again the opportunity for many of the who's who of the absinthe world to gather in Pontarlier, France's historic absinthe capital. 2009 saw the ninth Absinthiades, the annual absinthe festival. And this culminated in the awards for the best absinthes as judged blind by a big tasting panel, made of up of three sub-panels (professional, public and VIP), with many of the better known absinthe distillers and vendors making up the professional jury.
This was the first time that blanches and vertes were judged separately. This will hopefully show a lead to other events and maybe even to bars and retailers who could also consider splitting their lists or sites between these categories.
Notably, in both categories, the highest scores went to absinthes produced by Claude-Alain Bugnon's Artemisia Distillerie at Couvet, Switzerland.
Promotional video for Japan
Monday, 17 August 2009 14:00
At the end of July 2009, Claude-Alain Bugnon, distiller of La Clandestine, his wife, Karine, and their son, Maxime, made a promotional tour to Japan. Thirteen events were prepared by David Zoppetti, the agent for Artemisia brands in Japan, including La Clandestine. The tour included Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka.
One of the main objectives of the tour was to explain to Japanese customers and consumers the origin and production of real absinthe and the best ways to drink it!
A video presentation was made for the tour and you can see a short version of this here:
Photos of the tour can be seen here:
The Ultimate Bar Book
Thursday, 30 October 2008 00:00
Several months ago the journalist and wine expert André Dominé decided to craft a book entitled "The Ultimate Bar Book". Claude-Alain provided some wonderful pictures for the chapter on absinthe.
The publishers H.F. Ullmann have kindly allowed us to include the absinthe chapter on our site (Note 3.2 MB download).
The Ultimate Bar Book 494-501 Absinthe
For any information on this book, please contact:
Already published in the UK and Australia, and available in the USA from Amazon from November 15, 2008. In the USA, the book will be entitled "The Ultimate Guide to Spirits and Cocktails."